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Thursday, March 17, 2011

I guess I'm on a roll today!

I was just texting a friend about cooking, and I remembered a delicious recipe I found online a few months back.
Chicken again...surprise surprise, you'd think I never eat anything else...I do, I swear!
This is a recipe for puff pastry wrapped chicken. However, instead of puff pastry, I use pilsbury crescent rolls, they give it just a little more flavor.  First, cook the chicken on the stove, I usually just season it with a little garlic salt and pepper. Cook it until its nearly cooked through. Then stick it in the fridge for about 15 minutes.  Preheat the oven as directed on the package of crescent rolls. Open them up, unroll them and cover it with a garlic cheese spread, like Allouette, or Roulet I think is the other one.  They have all kinds of flavors and now that I'm thinking about it, sundried tomato would probably be pretty good! After you have spread it on the crescent rolls break them into 4 pieces.  The rolls are broken up into triangles so it should be 2 triangles per piece, making a rectangle. Place one piece of chicken in the middle of each rectangle and wrap it around the chicken, pinching the ends together so its full wrapped.  Then place them on a cookie sheet and bake them for about 20 minutes, or until the outside is golden brown.  Pair with yummy vegetables.
I can't believe I forgot about this recipe, its so good!!


  1. Today I posted about how we store our favorite recipes - http://stresscasey.blogspot.com/2011/04/family-favorites-recipe-binder.html

    Thought it might help you keep track of all your yummy recipes! :)

  2. I love that idea, especially since there are a few that really are our favorites, but I made them up. It would be nice to have them written down. A few years back I made a binder like that for my stepmom too, she still uses it :)
    Also, I'm glad you found my blog...it's a work in progress!
